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Medical Professional Liability
Liability Insurance
for Independent Physicians

At Medsure, we offer professional liability insurance for independent physicians for your peace of mind, professional and financial.
Despite the knowledge and experience, doctors and professionals in the field of health and paramedicine may also make mistakes. Such an error sometimes leads to a lawsuit, the result may be a high financial expense that will affect your ability to continue practicing the profession.
A medical professional liability insurance policy provides you with insurance protection against those claims.
At Medsure, we do our utmost to find the best policy for each client, with an emphasis on providing personal and professional service.
Benefits of Medsure
Lloyd's insurance coverageThe insurance coverage is carried out by the British insurance corporationLloyd's. The largest and oldest insurance corporation in the world. This allows us to issue policies specifically tailored to our clients for them, and to find comprehensive insurance coverage that exactly fits your needs.
Service in the first placeWhen you are insured at Taurus, you benefit from our leading insurance and service system, and the values we excel at from day one. At Taurus, we set as a goal to put the service at the top of our priorities. This is reflected in the personal attention and the efficient response we provide.
Personal support in claimsWith us, the service doesn't end once you've signed the forms. In the event of a claim, we will accompany you throughout the process. Starting with providing an efficient, personal and professional response to questions, as well as close legal support until the end of the process.
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